Dear G-Ann,
I've been thining about David since our phone conversation, reminising about our adventures and misadventures over the past 48years. I need to note that most of our misadventures involved Colorado Mountains and Jeeps.
I met David on my firs tday of MSU, he came bounding down the stairs into my office and said, "Hi, I'm David Martin, you're gong to love it here." David was certainly right: he, Mike, Leo, and others made the next 25 years a delight.
G-Ann, I read a piece several years ago that I think applies to David. It came to mind during my reminiscing and I would to share it with you:
"Every man dies twice, the first death occurs when the hearts stop and the biological systems shut down. The second death occurs when his name is last mentioned on this earth."
Although we lost David on November 12th, I firmly believe that is will be far, far into the future, if ever, David's name is last mentioned.
David was one of the good guys, a good friend and I will miss him. I wish you and your family the very best in the future.
Your friend,
Bob Grant